This was a busy weekend of sports shoots. It was only my second NHL hockey game, so I was still a bit nervous about all the fast-paced action and hard-hitting. I did have the "luck" of having a front-row seat for a fight that broke out between two players (hey, that's the money shot!). And I had quite a lot of action in my corner of the rink, literally about six inches from my camera lens at times - a little scary! Spectators jokingly asked if I got a picture when the players body slammed the glass, knocked out my photo window, and their sticks came flying through. I responded, "No, because my eyes were closed!" :) Check out all of the shots for the Columbus Blue Jackets

One of my favorites... love the lighting effects.

So, I thought hockey was dangerous... On Saturday night was my first arena football game - ever. At first I was seriously worried about getting smashed in the endzone by a 6-foot-5, 320 lb. monster. However, when I realized I could hide behind the 105-lb. cheerleaders (who never even flinch) when the plays got close, I relaxed a bit. Here's my first shot at arena football! Check out the rest of the shots for the Columbus Destroyers
Wow, that's close!

Sacking the quarter back.

I seem to have a knack for timing on the kick-offs.

One of my favorite action shots.

The Destroyers' quarterback